Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Still working on that surprise. I'm not sure when exactly it will be finished but I will let you know!

In other news, I braved a blizzard to make my way up to my rhuematologist's new office for my appointment on Monday. I was just glad my sister was able to drive me and that we took my Subaru!

A bunch of these were on the freeway!

This was a pretty good appointment, my kidneys beans and liver are struggling some, but they could be worse. I'm not gonna complain about that! 

I also now get to break in a new nursing staff since the large hospital my rhuemy now works for does not have vampires experienced in rheumatological diseases. I'm sure they actually do, but the office he was at this day did not. I had to go with regular internist nurses who struggled a bit. It left my hands looking like I've been fist fighting.

Well, that's my quick update. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season no matter what you celebrate!

Also, I'm typing this from my phone and it won't let me change the paragraph orientation. So sorry about that.

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