Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yoga vs Me

Oh man, I made the mistake of going to a yoga class with my mother last night. Cue me sleeping in to 1:00pm today and waking up so stiff and painful that I can hardly move. Arthritis and yoga do not mix. I snap, crackled, and popped through as many of the poses as I could but downward dog is just not my friend. Not to mention lung and connective tissue problems makes it really hard to breath during said stretches. Let's not even start on attempting to balance.
It was an experience for sure.

Next time, I will bring a chair so that I can modify the poses to be easier for me to handle.
If you would like to try it, here is a link to a lady who specializes in yoga for arthritis and she has instructional videos on youtube!

PS sorry for the sporadic updates.

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